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Honestly I have always been scared of marriage; yes I want to have a wife and children too, but whenever I start to think of the responsibilities it entails or requires, it sends a cold shiver to my spine. In recent events that mentality was changed and it brought about this new revelation that I’m about share. I was humbled and honored to be part of the groom’s entourage of my very good friend last weekend, and it was lovely. It wasn’t a luxury wedding, or a media hype event, but in its own way it was fulfilling, great and brought reflections to my heart.
Marriage is a sacred sacrament, and institution of God. The union of two people, two souls becoming one, united in their differences. Marriage was instituted by God to allow man experience true love, sacrifice, and divine purpose, but today this institution has been corrupted disregarded and made mockery of, and man is the culprit. Human beings have abused this sacred rite and have for a long time turned a blind eye to its true meaning. Marriage is not wedding, too bad the world and the dictionary has equated them together. A wedding is an event or ceremony that is celebrated to usher in the start of a union of two people which is marriage. Marriage itself is an institution, a calling of purpose. I stress that because when one is married, it’s never about you anymore. It’s not what you want or need rather it’s what responsibility you hold, what purpose you have undertaken; the purpose to lead your partner/family to a spiritual and fulfilling experience in the presence of God. In short, marriage is a ministry; a ministry is a divine calling with the purpose of leading and serving others rather than selfishly pleasing yourself.
Most marriages of today are a sham; people are starting to enter it for selfish reasons. He has to be rich, his family can pay my debts, she is from wealthy background, he/she is a good guy/girl after all etc. and if these conditions are not met, the marriage is over and you feel you can just leave because it’s all about you. It begs the question where is the love? Marriage is about; letting go of ‘ME’ and accepting ‘US’. If one cannot selflessly let go of putting him/herself first then obviously marriage is not for you. It is very important to note because it is of God doesn’t mean God is in it i.e. Marriage is of God doesn’t mean every marriage has God in it.  A marriage that is instituted by God and is also ordained by Him is what we as Christians should aspire to have. Once there is God in it there is love, sacrifice, humility, respect and submission, that my friends; is the Perfect Union.
 Marriages are not created to be perfect, marriage is work, a lot of work, but you have to be willing to work. Just because she is sweet caring and loving, and a good Christian is not enough to think your marriage will work. When she/he starts to show her true nature and individuality what do you do? Stay or run. Marriage is an insight of how God relates to/with us and how we relate with Him (now you can see how He tolerates us right). Nobody is perfect, we strive for perfection and that is what we want our partners to appreciate; the effort just like God sees our innermost heart. That’s why it is very paramount that we find the one who is ready to work with us. I listened to the priest as he talked about the bride and the groom and I was moved. I know my friend, the priest knows the bride but the one thing we are looking forward to know is ‘THEM’, and that is the most important part of their union. Like I stated earlier marriage is not about you (needs/pleasures), that doesn’t mean you can’t be you (personality/principles/philosophy) and same goes for your partner. The important thing to note is when you both decide to commit yourself to marriage, you are saying I accept you the way you are as you did me, I respect your principles as you respect mine, and I support your goals as you do mine, and lastly I am allowed to FEEL (you know what that means right).
Marriage does not take away your individuality as persons rather it builds you up as team, it teaches team work, strengthens your strengths, and hides your weaknesses. The problem with most marriages is that people still want to live their lives like when they were single and assume the other person should be okay with it; but no.  Also, when I mean individuality as persons I mean what defines you not your lifestyle because that’s got to change (yup just like I said it). I am a Christian, and will not fail to mention that at the center of your marriage God should be in it (another topic of discussion entirely), because; face it! As much as you love him/her ‘tori torun’ (completely) you both will drive yourself nuts, but when there is God, there is love, forgiveness, long-suffering, sacrifice and grace which will allow you accept his/her individuality, and that is what I call ‘The Perfect Union’.
I want to use this medium to congratulate my friend and his wife Mr and Mrs Fosudo on their wedding ceremony and the beginning of a divine union, HAPPY MARRIED LIFE PAL!
It just crossed my mind: why do tall guys not go for ladies their own height? Hmmmm…………..


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