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Knowledge is power, and information is knowledge, and one can say information is power. More important is the source of knowledge or the information, and in every aspect of life it holds meaning and significance in our lives. The authenticity of the knowledge that is sought sharpens ones minds, builds ones character, and determines ones destiny.

Having pointed that out, I have an experience to share. The scriptures make us to understand the people of God which was Israel at the time perished due to lack of knowledge. Simply put the people did not have adequate and true information or knowledge about their God and even if they did they rejected the truth. They often times let their selves be deceived by false teachings and the unbelievers around them. They began to indulge in the ungodly acts that God had instructed them not to do. The scriptures also implore us as Christians to study the word of God to show ourselves approved and to rightly divide the word of truth. To expand, what Paul was trying to tell Timothy was he should strive to be diligent in his service to God, and to also study the word of God, meditate, and pray with it so as to be divinely enlightened by the Holy Spirit to the truth of the Gospel.

Back to my story; on a Friday morning heading home from work after a long 24hr shift. Boarded a shuttle to the estate where I stay, and it happened that there was an elderly man sitting beside me. After a little distance, this elderly man began to preach in the bus. He was practically preaching everything that God created and said it is good is evil. Jewelries, gold are evil. Hair extensions (what ladies know as attachments) he says and believes they’re of the serpent (demonic origin), even to the wedding ring and then he went on to quote from Hosea 4:6 which say people perish (destroyed) due to lack of knowledge. There! It just crossed my mind; he was actually preaching to himself but didn't know. I don’t know the church he attends but I began to see the importance of being baptized by the spirit, having the Holy Spirit in you confirming all truth so that one is not deceived or misled by a certain “man of God” or some conjuring school of thought to taint the Gospel.

It is very important you authenticate/confirm the source of information that you receive or have access to. Do your personal study; ask for divine interpretation and revelation. As Christians baby and mature alike, we shouldn't just rely on what pastors or men of God says. We are also tasked with the responsibility of seeking truth for ourselves. After all we are a chosen generation; a royal priesthood; an ambassador of God's kingdom our heritage.

The TRUTH will always set you FREE.

Be Transformed…


  1. My father is 85, he began to study when he was around 20. He was a schoolmaster but he wanted more knowledge of ancient Hebrew. I think it is good to study the Bible. Do personal study, as you said. But never without prayer. Only when the Holy Spirit leads us inside, knowledge will blessed knowledge. I can not Hebrew as my father but I would like to study the Bible. I will never be like that man out of your bus. I would not dare preach aloud. But I agree with you: "We are tasked with the responsibility of seeking truth for ourselves." Thank you for this blog!

    1. @Ariella by God's grace we will never be like him. we cannot all be bible scholars or theologians. But God qualifies the called (you and me). He doesn't call the qualified. We have to surrender ourselves to His will; here I am Lord, use me. thank for your comment and really appreciate you understand the message.


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