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Luke 10:3

Jesus Christ himself was aware of the task he gave his disciples. He knew he was sending them into a dangerous world. A world that that is/has been plagued by evil, and is governed by satan, but still he is here to save us (man) rather than leave us to our destruction. Jesus Christ sent out his disciples as lambs among wolves. He knew there will be persecution of his disciples, there will be rejection of his Gospel he has sent them to preach. But for those who lose their lives to the gospel will gain it. It doesn't mean necessarily getting killed for identifying with Christ (at times death happens), it means God will not send us out to the world and not back us with his power.

Furthermore, it means we are surrendering ourselves to his manifestation in our lives. We as Christians letting His glory shine through us, as people witness the power of the gospel in our lives, and by that the Spirit ministers to the people of the world. The task Christ gave the disciples wasn't as a result of their resourcefulness or individual ability but rather it was for the purpose of the manifestation of Christ himself in them continuing the gospel that has been commanded by God to preach to the world that all souls might be saved even when he is ascended to heaven to be with his father; the introducing of the Holy Spirit.
As Christ sent his disciples, so He sends us today as Christians on the same journey with the same task. He has sent us as lamb among wolves. The world will not always agree with us, it will want to turn you away from God, and deceive you to doubt your faith. As Christians we should remember always our heritage. We are his disciples; we are sons and daughters of God. We have laid down our lives before Him and for Him, and that’s the assurance we have; that He will surely save us and be with us.

Going further, it is very important to note in our Christian walk, compromising our faith to gain acceptance to the world is not the gospel Christ tasked us to preach or share with the world. Compromise can come in different ways; philosophy, culture, beliefs, etc. Light does not bend to darkness and as Christians we don’t bend to the system of the world. God will always have the glory. To further the gospel, Christ does not needs us to improvise for Him, seeking favors and accepting contrary teachings just so we can blend in (it is not what Christ intended). As God has called us, He has also given us authority and He also is at work in us as we are His vessel giving glory unto Him.

You cannot be a Christian and half. There is no dual citizenship when it comes to the Gospel of Christ.

“Go your ways: behold, I send you forth as lambs among wolves”

Be Transformed..


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