Luke 9:56
Jesus has not come to destroy men’s lives (sinners/saved
alike). His purpose is to save lives, to make us realise that through him there
is salvation, no condemnation, and no judgement of the past.
Jesus wants to save you, me, and all men. As followers of
Christ, servants, sons, and daughters alike, we should always do as he has
instructed us to win souls for the kingdom of God rather than seek the end of
unbelievers just because they do not recognise our faith or they ignore our
faith. Jesus has called us to preach to the whole world and not to
take it upon our self-righteous attitude to condemn, judge people. In that we were yet sinners, he called us and
delivered us from the clutches of death, by his perfection we were made
perfect. By His sacrifice we are made righteous in the sight of God.
As Christians the gospel we preach is in our actions, and everyday lives. We should never be too proud because we have that salvation
others living contrary don’t have or don’t know. That’s not what the gospel is about;
it is about being God’s vessel on the earth to preach the TRUTH which is Jesus
Christ. To preach GRACE; you don’t have to be perfect before you believe in Him
or seek His endorsement. He loved us while we are yet sinners, even when you
think you’re too far gone. His love is still wrapped round us and like the
story of the prodigal son, Christ wants to run to us and embrace us even in our worst
behaviour, but first we have to come to the realisation that somebody loves us
as we are; we have to let Him in.
To my fellow believers that have this privilege of partaking
in the righteousness of Christ it is our duty to bring people to share in this
experience. We should not be too quick to pour judgement or curses to others. As
Christ pointed out to his disciples he has not come to destroy men’s lives but
to save them.
To you reading this article and not yet saved or being
deceived by the carnal logic of man, do not disregard this message. Christ just wants
you to know He loves you deeply, every day, and even in your sinful nature He
still wants you and needs you. I don’t know what you went through or have gone
through but greater love hath no man than to lay down his life for you. Jesus
Christ did that for you and me. No theory of evolution can disprove that. Open
your heart, taste and see that the Lord is good. After all you got nothing to
lose right…
“For the Son of man did not come to destroy men’s lives but to save them”
Be Transformed...
Thanks for this message.