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Bible characters have always being a very interesting topic. I get to read and immerse myself into the story and lives of the various characters God used to show forth His glory. This post is directed to Christians; youths and adults alike, and also to anyone who is willing to be touched by it.
I do have a thing for Joseph though. Yeah Joseph…...
Joseph was a lot of things:
He was young, in turn innocent and naive.
He had a dream, which turned out be his vision and destiny.
He was loved by his father, envied by his brothers.
He was sold, he slaved, and finally he rose from the ashes and became a model for Christian youths today.
My focus on his story is when he found himself in the lair of the seductress/temptress. Many youths/adults alike today will never pass on sex. In fact it has become a standard for being a man, so whenever one has the chance to prove him/herself worthy to their friends, they heed its call.
Well as for me I beg to differ just like Joseph did. Joseph saw more than the outward beauty of his master’s wife. He could have as well have succumbed and probably would get away with it. There is a saying “When you dine with the devil, use a long fork/spoon or whatever” but the truth as much as it is not a wise saying, once you dip that fork in however long, you are doomed. There’s more to 15mins+ of pleasure, your destiny is at stake; your future has just been bargained for carnal pleasure. Many people believe sex to be just sex. Yes science can explain it, your body will feel it, and your mind will think it, but there is more to sexual lust than human reasoning. And as for those who call themselves Christians we should know its spiritual meaning and implication, especially its effect on our destiny, purpose in life. Many of us are so shallow in our thoughts and spiritual level that we see everything only physically or maybe it is just intended ignorance .The Holy Scriptures did warn we wrestle not against flesh. Joseph understood this, he knew his destiny was not to be taken away from him and he kept his righteousness and purity. Yes! He suffered for refusing the sweet scent of his seductress; in fact it cost the innocent guy a long time behind bars. But with sufficient grace he overcame. I am not saying he did it on his own, heaven knows declining sex is hard enough to be honest, especially if it’s free. That is why we need to be firm, and ask for grace which is readily available, but first we have to want it like Joseph did. Sometimes I imagined if Joseph did succumb to her, personally it think it would have been the end of his divine purpose in life, because the woman would have probably enjoyed the experience and would want to always have that moment with her desirable young subject, and there it is; you thought you could leave the fork inside the pot or remove it and run? No, and that’s because you will be trapped forever. You will need the God that you disobeyed to save you.
As it is, Joseph had already been through a lot as God planned. It is important we know every challenge or trial he faced was supposed to happen so as to prepare him for his purpose. If he had taken heed to the pleasure of his mind and body, he would have been derailed. Maybe found his way back but that time would be gone or taken much longer to achieve his purpose. In our lives as Christians, youth or otherwise, we should take a cue from Joseph, and by that I mean ‘I have not come this far to waste my time’ it’s just minutes, would you trade that for years of hard work, trials, and fulfillment. We might not know but sexual lust has destroyed more destinies that we choose to ignore. God invented sex; sex is good, better yet sex is great! But there’s a condition that was laid out and that was ‘Union’. Two words: be Patient.
Finally, we are tempted every time and everyday due to certain exposures and ideologies, we should never give in. we should always ask the Lord to lead us not into temptation. That is the devil throwing stupid suggestions, so be firm in your faith and resist him, and call out your JOSEPH!!!


  1. Bamgbose one girl deny you the snatch wey just decide turn pastor? hahaha. Good piece bro. Sex sometimes becomes a double-edged sword.

  2. Nice piece
    I still thing there are somethings you need to add to your writing but we will discuss that in person...
    and might i add, Joseph turned down his MASTERS WIFE which every smart forward thinking person should do. Was any reference made to an unhitched hotty with goodies to spare? lol... im just kidding

  3. Nice writeup from the exemplary life of Joseph,If one has ever looked into the alluring eyes of Mrs Potiphar and either felt lured into the laps of Delilah,one will know it takes God's grace with a good decision backed by God's word to stand firm to the end in the face of the barraging temptations,More Grace to all Youths!


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