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I am a stickler for decency and morals, so disgusted by indecent exposure and dressing, male and female alike. Particularly, in the areas of dressing/fashion, body art, and piercing. In other not to be misquoted, everyone is entitled to their own understanding of values and lifestyle.
Many times, I’m in a bus and a lady enters and lo and behold as she bends into the bus, in this part of the country you know how low you can get when boarding a public bus, rickety old and messed up inside. Anyway, she was boarding the bus and had to stoop to enter; as she did the entire passengers could see her butt cheeks all the way down to her crack. On top of that her blouse was short, the situation got worse as elderly folk’s always had something to comment about. While the ‘new’ generations see such almost as a norm and that’s where the problem lies. We as young people are beginning to adopt certain norms of other civilizations that speak bad image. I mean this is AFRICA, we are bound by culture, discipline and morals, and most of all we have sense of moderation. What a western would do and feel free with and comfortable with, it is very difficult for us to admit to overlook. But recently the ideology and perception of ‘it’s a free world’ has already settled in on our own reasoning that we see nothing wrong with such, that a girl could leave her parents’ house with bum shorts, transparent pants and short nasty gowns and parade her endowments to the public. When the onlookers get a feast on, they start cursing and looking disgusted at them hence the term perversion.
The most annoying part of it all is the ignorance that comes with this new culture of body exposure, and that is when they (ladies) where undersized stuff then feel uncomfortable outside. For me that’s the height of stupidity, and it’s very annoying. For instance a girl wears a short blouse and a drop down jeans and decides to take a bike as transport, as she’s enjoying the ride so to speak it is very obvious of the discomfort she feels, WHY?, because the blouse is too short and is already revealing the waist line, then her new drop down fashion trend gives passers-by a peep into her private life. The most surprising part about all this is that the jeans drags everything along with it including your panties, and then you see them pulling and adjusting and they have that face like ‘ooh shit, I didn’t know it was this short’ . I do not always detect these things, one does not need to be on the lookout, it usually happens meaning it’s always in ‘your face’ (for all those who like to judge). Personally, I hate loose dressing, indecent exposure, and I never fail to correct or speak my mind to those I know close to me who has inculcated that kind of lifestyle/habit. Still, you let it all out; don’t look at me like that!
Guys! Not so fast.  When I was kid back in the day mostly in high school days I’d love to sag my shorts down in junior class, then upgraded to my trousers in my senior days. I must admit then it was cool, hippy one could say then but I quickly grew out of it, at a point it started being senseless, then(in high school) we did it for the girls,  with bounce-stepping to compliment the display of our waist line. Good thing was we did tuck in then. Nowadays, this sagging trend has become a nuisance rather than an expression. That a man (Key Word: Man) would drop his pants so low beyond is waist to come to rest on his butt, and in extreme cases way below the butt displaying the color of your underpants. I know we all want to be rappers and guys with swags but to think to add class to that you are definitely on cloud nine. I for one think most guys get stuck in their fantasy of TV fashion and lifestyle and aspiration of being a wannabe gangster.
One other dress code I find very unnecessary personally as a guy is the ‘show off’ belt trend. That dress sense is so senseless that I find it hard to comprehend why most guys do it. For instance a guy is opportune to wear a display belt maybe with his name imprinted on the belts’ head. This is what he does; he wears his shirt, pants and shoes (belt at the waist). Then all of a sudden he gets confused as to whether he tucks in or allows the shirt to fly out just because he wants the world to know he’s wearing a customized piece of metal on his waist line. I’m like, dude tuck the shirt and be proud about it or let it all down if you feel it’s not that a big deal for you to want to show it off, rather than telling everyone ‘hey! That’s the only good thing I find pleasing on my body today’. Sometimes you wonder why ladies do not take you serious. Do not be deceived by entertainment, like the word its ‘Entertainment’ it’s either you are responsible as you choose to be or not. It’s time to Grow Up.

As for body art errrrm, honestly I like tattoos. Yes I said it! But that doesn’t mean I’d put it on my body (wanted it one time). Reason because I dislike marks on my skin. The few injuries I have incurred over the years of my development I hate personally. Then why would I want to intentionally tattoo something, some word, some image on my skin? The thought doesn’t please me one bit. And ultimately my faith as a Christians forbids it. But I do admire when I see some on other persons, while some are just too excessive and disgusting. But the one that baffles me the most is dark persons getting tattoos on their already black skin, I’m like what are you trying to beautify? Something I’d have to use glasses to see or strain my eyes to pick out. That is just so unnecessary. As for body piercing…….. Any piercing apart from your ears as a lady (maximum of 2) I don’t dig. As for guys, I don’t know why I would want to look like a woman: End of story.


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