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It seems just like yesterday you were smiling with us then, the next day you left us
You left without even saying goodbye,nor did you leave any of yourself behind except for memories
What else would we have expected,when death robbed you away from us
What more can we do than crying all night,asking God the reason for your departure
To us your hearts were our treasures,the only place we feel loved
But now,that feeling is numb,our happiness is gone,our hearts are sad
May be you should've stayed a little bit longer,till we got stronger to bear your loss
Still with remorse and pain in our hearts,we acknowledge the examples you left behind,the principles you laid down,the land marks of achievements,the encouraging speeches of greatness;may we never forget your leadership
With sorrow in our hearts, we announce the passing on of, our beloved ones,the departure of a daring warrior,a hero till death,the one who died fighting the good fight, a saint in the world of sinners, a martyr, the defender of the people,a rare gem
Though physically we cannot see you,but in our hearts we feel your presence
Just as the wind blows past,we can neither see it,nor touch it,but we feel it everywhere around us and we know you are up there watching over us seated at his right hand,till we meet at our own appointed time where we can then be reunited as one big family
Until then our faithful departed,my fellow survivors lets continue to live life at its very best,and keeping in our unforgettable hearts to always in our daily life remember the titans
Today we mourn over lost ones,lets not forget their legacy and what they stood and fought for,the life they sacrificed all for the greater good,lets not forget someday it'll be ours
lets live in all sincerity,and always remember in our fragile hearts,to remember the lost ones,that one day with love in our hearts we shall reunite with them and will never be separated because,in His power we have conquered death!
Ode to my LEGEND.

Why do we remember the lost ones?
Why must we honor their bravery?
Why do we place them on high stakes?
These questions have answers that need not be far fetched,for we as a people saw thier life time till they bade us goodbye
For its only warriors that are remembered and honored
In truth they lived a life of kindness,purity,humility,principle,and most of all a life of selfless interest
They shed blood to right our wrongs,went through fire to end our conflicts,sacrificed their possessions,even to their life to end our wars and bring peace
We honor them because the died fighting;fighting the good fight
They were ultimate soldiers,they were extreme survivors,till the day they traversed beyond our reality.
Today,we remember their good works,their bravery,their selflessness,their ultimate sacrifice
Today we remember the saints,may they continue to live on and continue their journey of endless love
Today!,everyone brace yourselves for we embark on a journey of war,violence,rage,envy and,hatred
This day we live as examples,let our spirit guide us,let our hearts strengthen us,for many will move on along the way
May our hearts never be weary,for we are almost there
Whenever we feel weak,lets remember our friends,families,and the ones that have gone beyond fill us with strength
Lets remember the lost ones and what they stood for,and ultimately trust the GOD of our lost ones for he'll never forsake us,nor leave us behind
We remember the lost ones today as we forge ahead,for one day we will also be remembered for our bravery and self sacrifice to His will and his plan of salvation,world peace and,eternal paradise
The reason why we duff our hearts to the great ones,the reason why we'll always remember our lost ones;in our hearts you'll be forever engraved as the greatest that once lived,and hope we'll be with you at the appointed time
Take a moment,look within,gather up courage,raise your head,look up in the sky,in your hearts ,in this last days,remember the lost ones

Inspired by my role model and mentor, my dad Lt. Vincent Olusegun Bamgbose
Continue to RIP.


  1. Straight from the heart. Well written and touching... Nice..


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