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In the light of easter, I was moved to share this with you all. As much as we celebrate and have fun, it is all so important to meditate on the spiritual revelations and teachings of this historic event which happened over 2000 years ago. It is paramount we tap into the power of Christ's resurrection.
Lately, I decided to re-dedicate myself to grow spiritually in the things of God. I have been going on and off, back and forth for a long time now. And really that's what the devil wants, the devil wants to steal your blessings,destroy your soul,and kill you.

For a long time I have given into the distractions of the devil, but its time I exercise my right of authority. I am a son of God and my Bible tells me to resist the devil and he will flee, It also tells me to put on the whole armour of  God for we wrestle not against flesh but against principalities and powers in high places.

In order to avoid distractions and teaching of wrong doctrines there are somethings you should know. You should of your stand in Christ Jesus, and how God sees you through His son.

I hope you find this truthful insights I'm going to state useful in your walk along with Christ, and also in your journey to find eternal salvation. Remember: Seek The Lord while He is near

-Grace will always super abound,no matter how much sin grows.Grace will always be in abundance,but it is not a license to live in sin

-In the old testament condition of forgiveness required sacrifice of blood.When Christ died n resurrected forgiveness became unconditional

-Once u born again and u happen to fall short it don't make u condemned or a sinner at all. Instead u r seen as Holy

-There's no condemnation to those who are in Christ. U r not judged by d failings of your flesh.Because Christ's covering is over u and God never overlooks His son's sacrifice

-Every act,law,teaching,prophecy was in line with the coming of Grace(Jesus Christ). He was the perfect solution. It was the perfect plan of God

-In the Old- God for us. In the New (before coming of the Holy Spirit)- God with us. After the coming of the Holy Spirit- God in us #Trinity

-IMO obedience is of two types. Obedience by duty and Obedience by sacrifice.The latter is what God requires of us,do it wholeheartedly

-Grace supplies,love gives,faith takes. Your part is Faith the other two is God's

-The Law is Holy but it don't make you Holy,the law is perfect but it don't make you perfect

-Under law God demanded righteousness from Man.Under Grace,Righteousness was God's gift to Man

-You don't have to be perfect for God to bless you.We qualify for God's blessing by not qualifying but by His justification of His righteousness in us

-You need to believe right,in other for you to live right.

-Faith is by hearing,hearing by the word of God.To believe is by acceptance,accepting Jesus Christ died for you and me

-We're not righteous because we do good. We're righteous by faith

-God is not pushing us to be perfect.we can never be perfect by our works.He acknowledges Jesus Christs' sacrifice for us

-Once Jesus covers you He has covered you.There's no condemnation. even if u make mistakes,or turn left instead of right.

-Don't think u know God,that's being religious rather submit yourself to His will,hearken to His voice,meditate on His teachings.Let Him reign over you

-The universe is too organized to have happened by chance or a 'big bang' #sciencecannotexplainit #Godcreatedit

-Seek God first #priority and ALL other things will be given/added unto you #believeit. Let God show His Glory through you #surrendertoGod

-God's Love however is unconditional,He loves us as we are but we need to experience God's love to be in Him and His blessings will follow

-God forbids us to never say again it can't be done! He formed you in His likeness. what is it He is not able to do?

-We can't be built on our version of Christ, we have to be built on Christ's version of Himself.

-To be religious is duty and obedience is asked. Being in fellowship is a daily encounter which requires sacrifice and faith,belief and grace

-Why you go and think God don't love because you think yourself filth.He gave up His Son whom He loved for you, Why are you trying to tell God He wasted His time

-Grace is available and ever present for you to rely upon. It is not for you to use whenever you feel like it. Conform your flesh not indulge it


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