Do not commit adultery, do not lust after flesh
Do not steal, do not kill
Do not covet your neighbor's property, obey your parents
You have to be born again to enter the Kingdom of God
Be far from iniquity, seek wisdom
Lean not on your own understanding, pray for your enemies
Forgive your enemies, thank God always
Surrender to Him, harden not your heart
You have broken all the commandments; you have neglected the
teaching and instruction of God
Yet you still looking or wanting an explanation, haven’t you
seen the result of your actions
Are you blind to the actions of your disobedience?
You have been running for far too long, searching in vain
for revelations you can’t yet receive
Looking for a rationale to prove you don’t need Him
So far so good this is where you at; you’re lost, depressed,
confused, alone and lonely, heart broken
Jesus Christ said abide in me and have everlasting life,
accept Me and be saved
He said ask anything and He will do it, knock and the door
will be open, seek Me and you will find Me
He said His yoke is easy and His burden is light, He will
never forsake you
Why are you looking for reasons?
What explanations are you waiting for?
After all, you have lived your life and made your choices,
what explanations can you render for your own actions?
Blessed are those who do not see and yet they believe,
unless you believe the gospel like a little child, you cannot enter the
Kingdom of Heaven.
Yours is not to question, yours is to obey, and believe that
He will do as He has spoken.
Yours is to say ‘Jesus Christ said it, I believe
it, and that settles it’
God bless for dese words, bro... words of wisdom they surely r