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Showing posts from September, 2012


I do not know what it feels like living a day without a Dame not because am lame rather because am not yet married .It is even more difficult imagining a day without your first lady if you aren't in President Jonathan's shoes. Let's ask the President to recount his continuous experience of well over 3 weeks without his Omalisa. In less than 24 hours,Nigeria will celebrate her 52nd Independence Anniversary from the British Empire yet with ubiquitous colonies of oppression littering the country. A country of an approximate 170 Millions of people comprising of 250 ethnic groups with varying languages and customs,creating a country of rich ethnic diversity and estimated and catalogued 521 languages,this number includes 510 living languages,two second languages without native speakers and nine extinct languages. The seventh most populous country in the world and accounts for about 18% of the population in Africa,now the 12th largest producer of petroleum


Bible characters have always being a very interesting topic. I get to read and immerse myself into the story and lives of the various characters God used to show forth His glory. This post is directed to Christians; youths and adults alike, and also to anyone who is willing to be touched by it. I do have a thing for Joseph though. Yeah Joseph…... Joseph was a lot of things: He was young, in turn innocent and naive. He had a dream, which turned out be his vision and destiny. He was loved by his father, envied by his brothers. He was sold, he slaved, and finally he rose from the ashes and became a model for Christian youths today. My focus on his story is when he found himself in the lair of the seductress/temptress. Many youths/adults alike today will never pass on sex. In fact it has become a standard for being a man, so whenever one has the chance to prove him/herself worthy to their friends, they heed its call. Well as for me I beg to differ just like Joseph did.