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Showing posts from June, 2013


The introduction of social sites has really defined the term socializing and networking. During my younger days it was about going to parties, or visiting a friend or colleagues of your parents and that’s how you network and make friends and the most common way was the educational institution. It was cool then, because you actually met people, spending time outdoors. Now with the introduction of Facebook; let’s go back a bit as far as I can remember Hi5. Back in the school days it was a Hi5 rave but yet we still took socializing outside. At the introduction of Facebook Gbam! Outdoor networking went extinct. We all subscribed to it though (don’t be ashamed), yes it was a faster way to connect with friends but at some point it evolved to meeting random people from almost all corners of the world and works of life and the ultimate question is ARE WE FRIENDS? I mean do I actually want to be your friend. In my opinion the social network is a cool way of getting information, prying, and s...


Do not commit adultery, do not lust after flesh Do not steal, do not kill Do not covet your neighbor's property, obey your parents You have to be born again to enter the Kingdom of God Be far from iniquity, seek wisdom Lean not on your own understanding, pray for your enemies Forgive your enemies, thank God always Surrender to Him, harden not your heart You have broken all the commandments; you have neglected the teaching and instruction of God Yet you still looking or wanting an explanation, haven’t you seen the result of your actions Are you blind to the actions of your disobedience? You have been running for far too long, searching in vain for revelations you can’t yet receive Looking for a rationale to prove you don’t need Him So far so good this is where you at; you’re lost, depressed, confused, alone and lonely, heart broken Jesus Christ said abide in me and have everlasting life, accept Me and be saved He said ask anything and He will do it...